Monday, 7 March 2011


Often when an emotional person like me gives full vent to my state of mind at that particular time, I seem to be getting  a lot of stern advice. I have been told in no uncertain terms to ‘control the feelings’, moderate them or not show  them at all!  Perhaps there is a certain wisdom in controlling what one strongly feels about, which I do not know of, and which they suggest I do.
When I have expressed feeling glum or low, comes a flurry of advice ranging from ‘Don’t be so sad’ to   ‘Hang in there, you are just bored’ and the like. I don’t doubt that my friends want me out of my cheerless phase but what the hell can’t they allow me the natural process of feeling low and sad before I’m ready to step out of it?  I wonder why they should negate the validity of my natural state?  But no, they only issue me a warning to zip up my feelings, once and for all!
Of course that I do so for the fear of losing a valued friend  is a mere statement.  
On the other end again when I feel elated and when I want to share my happiness with friends and family, people who matter to me, come voices that check my thrill. ‘Who has seen tomorrow?’, ‘Destiny is bigger than everything else’ etc.
So in the end it is a lesson in ‘moderation’ that I have to learn in life. 

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